Friday, 12 March 2010
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Final Evaluation
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My magazine has been design specifically for a target audience of late teens/young adults. I have chosen to include a varied genre of music practically iconic bands which everyone has heard of. For my front cover I decided to use a photo with a low saturation which makes the piece look a bit more rock style because of the dark colours and heavy eyeliner. On the other hand the acoustic guitar suggests that the magazine also features different styles of music. The front cover also features two photo previews of the posters inside which suggest that Iconic has a younger audience who may want to decorate their room with posters of their favourite bands. Language I have used indicates value for money with words such as ‘Free’ and ‘Plus’ in a slightly bigger font. I have also selected words which are easy and clear to read so that the readers can easily gain the information rather than be challenged with understanding the content. On the other hand I have made sure to include a mature writing style so that it appeals to my selected audience.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
To create my magazine I have used a large variety of programmes and software which enabled me to produce it to a professional standard. When I was researching different magazines I found that I was mostly using Microsoft Word to type up my notes before I posted it on my blog. I found that this was effective because I could easily edit the piece if I wanted to and also in case my blog was deleted, I would still have the work saved separately. Another programme I used was Publisher which I used to physically construct my magazine. I found this software very effective and also learnt some of the features it included such as a basic editing toolbar which allowed you to change aspects such as the brightness and contra
st. I also learnt that saving the finished piece as a JPEG file format meant that I could upload it onto blog as a picture. To take the photos for my magazine I used a digital camera and I then used Adobe Photoshop and Corel Paintshop Pro to edit them. I think this graphics software was very helpful because by simply decreasing the saturation I could determine the mood of the piece. An internet tool I used was this was a free programme which allowed you to create polls and upload them to your website. This enabled me to gain feedback from my blog readers so that I could change
and improve my work as appropriate. Overall I used to update my progress when creating my magazine. I found this a simple website to use and it also enables you to upload multi media such as photos and video clips.
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from
it to the full product?
By creating my previous magazine designed for students, this has helped me to explore the typical features of magazines. In addition my student magazine has shown me how to make my practical work look more professional. I think this is mainly done by the use of colour as it is very easy to make a piece look tacky by using colours that clash. In addition in my previous magazine I chose not to edit any of my images which make them look a bit ordinary. However in this project I decided to experiment with reducing and increasing the brightness and contrast etc. I found the most effective tool I used was the satur
ation, which I decreased to make the image look almost black and white. This attracts my target audience because it looks mature and there are no bright colours which are more appealing to a younger reader.
What would be the audience for your media product?
Iconic is a publication aimed at readers between 16-20. These readers will be interested in the latest music as well as older iconic bands. Iconic’s main genre of music will range from punk rock to RnB. With readers who regularly attend concerts and have a passion for music though who would rather hear someone’s opinion of the band before splurging on tickets and CDs. The readers will most likely fall into the C1/C2 socioeconomic group who can afford to spend extra money on luxury items. The reader will also be able to afford buying the extra free gifts as well as the content inside. The magazine will be produced for both genders so it will include male and female bands and word them equally. Because of the older reader, Iconic will voiced with more technical words for an educated reader. Iconic’s readers will have a genuine passion for music and will wanted to be updated on the latest news about their favourite bands and music immediately. Iconic will also contain information to help aspiring bands on their way to fame.
How did you attract/address your audience?
Iconic includes many features which attract my chosen audience. For example on the front cover, the banner positioned at the bottom of the page with the word ‘exclusive’. This attracts the audience because they feel they must buy the magazine in order to read about that particular artist. It also suggests that they can only read that article in Iconic, as no other magazine will have it. Another feature I have used to attract my target audience is the free poster offer. On the cover I have used some small previews of the posters so that it tempts the reader into buying the magazine, even if it’s just to get the posters. Another aspect I have used to tempt the audience is by including quotes from the article inside. This captures the reader’s attention because they want to read about what the quote is referring to. Furthermore I used bold colours such as black and white for the text and background this contrasts also with the red of the artist’s dress. Furthermore I feel that using a photograph with direct eye contact will attract the audience because they will feel as though the eyes are watching them. In addition this draws them in until they notice all the features displayed on the page. Also I have used language which suggests value for money, such as “free” and “plus”. The reader will think they’re benefiting from this and therefore won’t feel guilty about splurging on a magazine. I think this attracts my audience effectively because I am targeting young adults, therefore they won’t want to spend a lot of money on a unnecessary item, however the front cover tells them it is necessary.
I have also used the word "reveal" this suggests the reader is about to be informed something secretive. They have to buy the magazine to find out what it is.
Furthermore, my front cover theme suggests modern music with features and articles written about ‘cool’ and ‘iconic’ bands.
This is shown with for example, the masthead which looks as though it has shattered because the volume of music is too loud, much like Kerrang magazine. Loud music is mostly played by late teens and young adults, therefore they’d be able to relate to the feature.
In addition in the top right hand side corner, there is a competition to win a free I-pod. This attracts the reader because it’s advertising a prize everyone would want to win. Also because this is a competition, it also suggests gaining something for free which would very much appeal to the target audience.
What kind of music institution might distribute your media product and why?
The kind of music institution who might distribute my magazine is Bauer Consumer Media. This publication group already distribute Q Magazine which is set in the same genre of music as Iconic. I have chosen this publication because they are experts in producing Iconic’s style of magazine. In addition because they publish a slightly similar magazine, they will have an insight on ways to make it unique and individual. A company would want to distribute my magazine because it covers all genres of popular music. Therefore anyone with any taste can pick up Iconic and be entertained because there’s something in it for everyone to enjoy. Furthermore, Iconic is eager to promote new bands and inform its readers of news on their favourite bands. Therefore people will buy it so they can stay up to date with media news.
In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
For my front page I have chosen to stick with the typical conventions found in real media magazines. This is because all the top selling magazines all have the same formula which helps them to sell. This includes a banner which is normally found layered across the photograph of the band or artist. This will have text informing the reader of the latest feature they must read. Another convention I have chosen to include in my own work is a photograph of a band or artist. Importantly this will be an image with eye contact so that the reader can connect with the magazine and be lured in. By using a photo of a famous artist, the reader will buy the magazine simply because they enjoy their music and want to read more about them. Traditionally all magazines use a specific language to tempt the reader and make them feel good about buying the magazine. In my magazine I have chosen to use words such as ‘Free’ and ‘Plus’ which suggest value for money. I have also included the word ‘Reveal’ because it makes the article sound exclusive, also the reader feels as though they will learn something secretive about the artists.
In many magazines, there will always be a competition which the reader will enter despite the low chances of them winning. However the catch is that they have to buy the magazine to do so. I therefore included a section showing that the reader can win a free I-pod all they need to do is simply buy the magazine and enter the competition.
In my contents page I have chosen to divide the articles up into sections so that it is easy to read.
Like in many other magazines I chose to use red in the subtitles because it contrasts well with the black and white and also brings out the red in the artist’s dress. I then chose to use small images to act as sneak previews of the articles inside, such as my double page spread and the pull out posters. I also found that in a lot of the magazines I researched, many of the articles listed in the contents page have little captions underneath describing what they’re about. I think this works well in my magazine because if one of the article titles is unclear, then the caption will explain it. It also gives information that tempts the reader into turning to that article.
In addition, in general magazines normally have an editor's letter to the readers, maybe explaining where they got the inspiration from for the magazine contents or an update on their life. In my contents page I decided that this wouldn't be necessary simply because from the feedback I got, not many people read it and it was a waste of space.
Finally for my double page spread, I chose to go against typical magazine conventions and not use columns. I think this looks really good because it makes the piece look quirky and might even attract more readers because it differs from the traditional article. I also think it makes the piece flow and some people might even find it easier to read.
To carry on with the theme of simplicity I decided to only use two photographs. At first I was worried readers might find the article boring, however I realised my target audience don’t necessarily need lots of pictures and bright colours to make them want to read the magazine.
Like a traditional magazine I decided to write an introduction to the article. I felt that this was important because some readers might not know who Marie Knight is. I felt that if the reader had some basic insight on the artist, then they’d be able to emphasise with the article more and there’d be a greater chance that they’d buy the magazine again.
The article style was a basic question and answer format. I tried to ask questions which didn’t go off subject and focus on her personal life. I felt that the readers would get more out of the magazine if they knew about the artist’s influence on music.
Finally because my double page spread is quite simplistic, I chose to use a quote set in a bigger font from the interview. This attracts the reader’s attention and encourages them to read further on so that they can read that point in the interview.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Final Double Page Spread
My Final Contents Page

Monday, 8 March 2010
My Front Cover
Updated Contents Page

Sunday, 7 March 2010
Front Cover Draft
Friday, 5 March 2010
Double Page Spread Part two
My Contents Page
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Contents development

Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Double Page Spread

Draft for double page spread
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Edited Photographs

1) When editing this photograph I tried experimenting with unusual effects. I then came up with this one which has created a cartoon look. However I chose to leave th model out of the edit so that he remained 'normal'. I think this photo would best suit a pull out poster or an album cover with a name such as "Living in a cartoon world". I quite like this edit because it is quirky and different however not appropiate for my font cover, unless it was explained more.
Monday, 8 February 2010
Here are a few of the unedited photos from the photoshoot. I will not using all of these images however I have chosen the best ones to show and get feedback on. For my final magazine these photos will most likely have the background blurred or faded so that the person is in focus.
Friday, 29 January 2010
Q Magazine Contents Review

Compared to Kerrang's busy and chaotic contents page, Q magazine's contents page has a more organsied layout. In addition Q only has two images on the page, a photograph of the feature article inside and a smaller one at the bottom relating to the text beside it.
The larger photograph is a longshot of The Courteeners with a quote from the magazine which draws the reader in.
Q's content is split into two catagories, one with features and then a section for regular every month articles and pages.
The colour scheme, like the front cover is very simple consisting of a basic palette of black and white with red to highlight certain aspects of the page such as the subtitles. This is used to divide the page up and make the layout look organsied and simple. This is specifically design for the older reader because they won't be that bothered about bright colours, rather the content inside.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Monday, 25 January 2010
Target readership
Form and Style: Iconic is a full A4 colour magazine which contains information and news about modern and iconic bands, reviews and interviews. Every month contains a front cover photo of the artist the issue is covering that month. Each photograph will be photographed in a quirky or artistic style. The clothing will either refer to the theme of the photograph or related to the artist’s style. The main use of colours will be a simple palette of greys, black and white combined with a bright colour. The theme will be classy yet subtle to give an eye-catching effective look. This gives a mature look to the magazine and attracts the right age group of readers. The magazine will come with varied free gifts such as CDs, photographs and the chance to win free concerts tickets to see a well known band. Although Iconic doesn’t want a cluttered feel to the front cover, it will be full of headlines and features to show that it is value for money. The magazine will sell at £3.00 making it affordable to the working class as they will be buying the latest articles and interviews as well as receiving free gifts.
Themes and typical features: Iconic will contain typical music articles although it will strive to be unique and original compared to other music magazines. Features such as interviews with bands, reviews of albums and concerts and competitions are also included. There will also be a letters page which allows the reader to have their say, comment on previous articles and express their views on current affairs.
Potential advertisers: A range of advertisers will be advertising their products relating to music or media. This may include advertising tickets to a live concert or someone’s latest album release. In addition electrical companies such as Sony might advertise their goods such as CD players which the reader might be interested in. Others could include band merchandise and clothing.
Editorial Team: The editorial team for Iconic will be a team of mixed age, gender and musical taste. It is important to include a variety of editors so that the magazine covers a wide genre of music and taste. This ensures more readers and they are reading what they want.
Friday, 22 January 2010
Kerrang magazine content page review.
The colours scheme consists of black white and yellow which is used to highlight certain features on the page such as the contents subtitles. This is used to divide the list up a little and have a sense of order. The magazine uses photos relating to its issue features to attract the reader's attention and intregue them. Also this makes up for the simple colour pallete and makes the overall page look exciting.
There is a small editorial in the top left hand corner however this has a simpler look and looks less chaotic compared to the rest of the page. It also suggests that readers aren't as interested in this as much as the rest of the magazine. The biggest feature on the page is a larger photograph of 'The Gaslight Anthem' which shows the designer wants this to be the the first thing the reader notices on the page. However this is on page 14 which means the reader in theory has to wait until they get to this article.

Double Page Spread review.

The colour scheme is very simple consisting of black and white with a hint of pink in the photographs and a bullet point at the start of the text. Although both photographs are very dark and mostly black, they stand out and look bold because they are so simple. The text contrasts well with the background which makes it stands out and grabs the audience's attention.
The only text on show is the introduction of the article. This welcomes the reader and informs them of the type of interview they are about to read. Q magazine also uses more mature language when describing the article which shows the audience this is aimed at is older teen to adult. The text is made to sound humorous and informal with phrases such as "and- oh yes" this gives the impression that the text part of a conversation which is also entertaining to the audience.
To conclude, the overall style of this article is classy and stylish. This is ironic as it contrasts with the content of the opening text. I think it is simple but effective. It is pleasing to the eye because there isn't too much to take in. It is important to keep to the same theme as on the main cover because if the reader is flicking ahead to read the article, they will expect it to be in the same style and easy to locate.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Internet research

Monday, 18 January 2010
Photograph research

In this post I wanted to research different photographs which could inspire me for my own front cover. Also I picked out some interesting shots I hadn't seen before and which I might be able to incorporate in the contents page.

I think this image is effective because Taylor Swift takes up the entire frame yet the photograph still manages to include a guitar which informs us she's musically gifted.

I really like this magazine cover because it has a sense of movement. Also it is far different from any other magazine over I've seen before. I like the colours used also because they are very bleak and wintry looking.

I like this photo because the girl is exactly centred in the middle of the image. Also it is very simplistic looking. The black dress manages to contrast with the background despite the grey colour scheme.

Colour research

These images are examples of the colour schemes I an interested in for my own magazine.
In this image to the left, the colours are mostly dark which makes the text look blotchy. In my opinion as an artistic piece the colours work and the image looks effective. However the font isn't very readable which is a problem if I were to include this in my magazine unless it was the masthead as loyal readers would be aware of the name.
Friday, 15 January 2010
2) Which do you find more attractive:
A busy and energetic looking cover with plenty of pictures relating to the articles inside.
A sophisticated and simplistic looking design with more text than images.
3) What type of free gifts would you consider appropiete alongside a music magazine?
4) Which is a more eye-catching colour scheme?
Black, white and greys combined with a single bright colour
Contrasting colours which catches the eye, layered with photos.
5) How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?
6) Overall, what do you look for in a magazine?
7) Do you purchase music magazines? if so how often (eg weekly, monthly) and which magazine?
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Mix Mag

Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Kerrang Magazine

The band Lostprophets is the main image on the front cover. Ian Watkins is in the foreground which shows he is the lead singer of the band and also suggests he is the most important. "LostProphets" is in a banner across the image with a quote from their interview. This is used to capture the reader's attention and makes the want to read the article inside.
In addition on the front cover is a strapline advertising free posters. The word "free" is in a slightly bigger red font than the rest of the white caption. This attracts the reader's attention and suggests value for money. This is also used with the word "plus" and the constant repetition of a plus sign. Many of the features mentioned end in an exclamation mark suggesting excitement.
The whole style of the magazine cover is busy and energetic looking. It is slightly messy looking however this gives the impression that the magazine is full of features. The cover is layered with images of bands which are considered as cool and popular to the target audience. This suggests that the selected audience are teenagers interested in music. Kerrang's layout shows that it has been designed for its loyal customers rather than attracting new ones. The magazine is out weekly and is sold at a price of £2.10.
Q Magazine

Q is aimed towards a mature audience with a content of articles about iconic bands. The tagline “A different take on music” suggests that Q is unique and different to other music magazines.
The whole design of the magazine is simplistic yet effective looking. The main area of focus is both the magazine name ‘Q’ and the photograph of the lead singer from AC DC. The photo is designed to intrigue the readers; part of the text is hidden behind the photograph which persuades them to look at it in more detail.
The overall style of the magazine looks sophisticated as a result of the simple layout and limited colour palette. This is contrasted with the photo theme; the guitarist is dancing around having fun. He is also dressed immaturely which suggests the articles inside are interesting and engaging. The photograph is a long shot so we can see the guitarist moving, this makes the cover look more dynamic. Also, we cannot see his eyes which is unusual for a magazine cover because this invites the reader in and helps them to connect with the magazine.
The background colour is a light tone of grey. This is then layered with a black banner and white feature set behind the photo. The bottom of the magazine is covered in small red crosses, again set in the background. this brings out the red in the masthead giving the whole magazine a bit more colour.